Thursday, December 19, 2013

WINTER BREAK HW: Watch Presidential Documentary; at AMERICAN EXPERIENCE; The Presidents; View, take notes, present upon return!!

Go to pbs American Experience: Select a President:  Roosevelt, Nixon, Bush sr., LBJ, Truman, Reagan, Carter, Kennedy family, Clinton, Lincoln
Lincoln on the History Channel- Lincoln History Mystery; 

Obama biography; go to Top Documentaries and Frontline.
(watch both short films)
Kennedy Mini-series

American Experience:  The Presidents
HW: Watch 2-3 segments at a time; take notes on his childhood; What shaped his life?, early life, school, career highlights of election and presidency: summarize each segment in 3-5 sentences
100 pts
THE Presidential Crisis=100 pts  POWER POINT 5-7 slides
Name the Prez and the Crisis in Title.   
Describe the problem and the choices the president had to make
1What powers of the president were available?
2.Describe the choice this president made; How did he use his powers?
3.How did America respond?
4.What was the outcome?  Success? Or, failure? 
5.What do you think YOU would have done?  Why?

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Final Exam

FINAL EXAM;  Semester 1, 2013
Fundamentals of Government;  explain; give an example
2.Social contract---between people and a government
4.Common defense
5.General welfare 
6.Domestic tranquility
Fundamentals of Democracy
1.Worth of the Individual 
2.Equality of all people  
3.Majority Rule, minority rights
4.Necessity of compromise
Constitution Questions
1.Name the 3 branches of government
2.List 2 major powers of each branch of the government
4.general election
7.Name the 2 major potlical parties, and their mascots!
8.Name the two major party, presidential Candidates.
9.What is the purpose of a two party system? 
10.What is voter apathy?  What is the cause?
11.How do most people get their information for choosing a president?
12.Name 3 groups that vote consistently for one party of the other.
13.Name 5 factors that influence how you vote. 
14.Name 2 possible presidential candidates for 2016. 
Issues:  choose 2
1.Which 3 Principles of government or democracy support the passage of the Dream Act? Explain.
2.Which 3 Principles of government or democracy support  Obamacare? Explain.
3.Which 3 Principles of government or democracy support the passage of new stricter Gun Control Laws?
4.Which procon issue or issue on your party platform is of most concern to you?  Describe the issue, pro and con, and your
5.Position on this topic.

Extra Credit: Go to 5 paragraph essay

n1. Define the issue.  (you may have used this topic in your plank on your website)
n2. present pro side of this issue
n3. describe the con for this issue.
n4. What is your position. Justify why you are pro or con.
n5. make a pitch for why a president should adopt this plank.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Your bio for you website.....

Write your bio: with 4 paragraphs
Rough draft and rewrite a final draft;
nTitle...example:  Policy Director, etc.
n1. Personal biographical information: age, school, family info, education, activities, clubs, etc.
n2.Experiences that show you are determined, reliable, persistent, have leadership skills
n3. Qualifications: accomplishments, big and small!
n4.  Future Goals: education, work, the arts, sports, etc.
n5.  Thoughts about life, love, liberty!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Get your PARTY started!!

10/21-28   Create Your Party website
1. Name of your Party  2. mascot and logo; 3. slogan;  4. theme song;  5.Campaign Team; Candidate Profile (pix and bio) each one needs a title, a 3 paragraph bio about your life, experience, ideas, qualifications; picture

Friday, October 18, 2013

Brainstorm ideas in your notebook for Your Party 
3 each
1. Name of your Party
2. your mascot and logo; 
3 slogan;   
4. theme song; 

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Pro or Con Presentationi

u1. Define the issue assigned.
u2. Partners will present findings (pro and con) for this plank to the whole class. Your position is…..
u3. What is your position.
u4.  After each presentation, we will vote as a class whether to (1) adopt, (2) modify, or (3) reject each position or "plank." Record the results of the vote.
uWhich plank position would you adopt for your Presidential Campaign in this class????

Friday, October 4, 2013

HW for weekend; and, review for TEST on principles of democracy, government, and voting behavior.

HW:  p 175
Answer q. 34.
Analyze political cartoons
answer 35, 36 

Should 'illegal aliens' be allowed to vote?  Why or why not?


Fundamentals of Government;  explain; give an example
2.Social contract---between people and a government
4.Common defense
5.General welfare 
6.Domestic tranquility
Fundamentals of Democracy
1.Worth of the Individual 
2.Equality of all people  
3.Majority Rule, minority rights
4.Necessity of compromise
Parties, elections and voting.
2.general election
5.Name the 2 major political parties, and their mascots!
6.What is the purpose of a two party system? 
7.What is voter apathy?  What is the cause?
8.How do most people get their information for choosing a president?
9.Name 3 groups that vote consistently for one party.
10.Name 5 factors that influence how you vote.  


Thursday, October 3, 2013

You started in class...finish for hw. Voter Habits!!

uHW  APATHY, apathetic:  not caring

uAnswer the questions under tables on 165, 166, 167. 
uUse the text and Explain why people don’t vote;
ucite 3 reasons for who votes;
u3 reasons why people don’t vote;
uFocus on statistics from 2004:  Explain how gender, race, education age, and region influence voting.  Make a statement about each demographic and how they voted in 2004.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Democratic and Republican Website Research....

uGo to the Democratic and Republican websites.  Locate and 2 positions of each party: choose from  terrorism, jobs, health care, immigration, education.
u3 bullet points for each; facts/ evidence; info
uBuilding a Party Platform
u1. each group research one issue to research from the list below.
uThe military
ujobs and the economy
udiversity and equality
ucivil liberties & national security
uhealth care /Obamacare (AHCA)

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Recommend a OBAMACARE program to your family; and yourself or friend at 26 yrs old.

CW:  go to Calilfornia Covered;
1 review and research health plans
2 list 3 good choices for you family; rank order #1-3
3.list 3 good choices for you or someone you know for the age 26; rank order 1-3
4.  What is catastrophic coverage?  H0w much does it cost? 
5.  Explain the penalties if you don’t enroll….
Complete for HW: Present /share with your parent/s; help them chose; get their signature
Write a complete paragraph explaining why you chose #1.  Topic sentence, 5 supporting
details/evidence; conclusion.  BE SPECIFIC.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Complete the classwork....q and a on PLATFORMS AND PLANKS!

uPolitical Parties, Platforms, and Planks:  Getting Ready to Prepare your party website!!
uPolitical parties are key players in American politics. But the Constitution does not mention political parties. In fact, many of the founders, including George Washington, distrusted permanent political parties, fearing that they would become too powerful. The first two political factions to appear were the Federalists, who supported ratification of the Constitution, and the Anti-Federalists, who opposed ratification. These factions disappeared once the Constitution was ratified. Yet, early in Washington's first administration as president, two new factions formed: the Federalists, who supported Alexander Hamilton and a group that gathered around Thomas Jefferson, called the Democratic Republicans. They were the first real parties. Throughout most of American history, the United States has had two major parties. Today's Democratic Party can trace its origins to Jefferson's old party. Today's Republican Party can trace its origins to the election of 1854.
uPlatforms and Planks
uAmerican political parties are organized on a national, state, and local basis. Every four years, the parties hold a national convention to nominate a presidential and vice presidential candidate. They also meet to approve a party platform of issues and positions upon which the candidates will run. A party platform is a set of principles, goals, and strategies designed to address pressing political issues. Each party's platform is broken down into "planks," or declarations that speak to each specific issue.
uParty platforms and their planks are very important to the electoral process: They give the candidates a clear political position with which they can campaign. They give voters a sense of what the candidates believe in, the issues they think are important, and how—if elected—they will address them.
uCW:  For Discussion
u1. Why did George Washington fear political parties?
u2. What is a party platform?
u3. What is a platform plank?
u4. Why are party platforms important? 
5. Go to the Republican or Democratic website.  What is one platform or plank of the Republican or Democratic party? 

Friday, September 27, 2013

Donkeys v. Elephants....Stars or Sheiks?

HW:  Read 126-27       
Explain terms. 1-3
Interpret Cartoon,on 127 answer question below
Examine chart on 128 and 130 answer question under charts
p. 131 q. 1

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Obama v. Romney or....Dems v. Republicans 2012

HW:  What is the function of political parties?    
Read 116-118  Answer q.1,2,4,5,6
On 118 answer question under picture at top of page

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

RANK ORDER the issuesof a democracy by Importance
Rank order from 1-7
#1 is the most important to 7...the least.
Now, make an argument for your top two choices; use evidence, prior knowledge, text information.  Write a good paragraph using a topic sentence and supporting information.

good luck!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Use your Text to Visually Represent your Topic on Democracy

1.Choose 3 pictures or charts that represent this topic.  Cite the page number!!
2.Use a key word and a sentence to describe the image.
3.identify the issue from  the list below, give evidence that supports your argument.

Read "Democracy" on p, 12-13  Explain Democracy using 6 ideas on these pages.  Rewrite in your own words....

Monday, September 23, 2013

Home Work: Chapter 1 Read 4-8 
1.What is government?  What is purpose of government?  Describe 2 kinds of govt.
2.Describe what ‘political’ means?  See p. 5
3.Describe the typical powers of government.
4.Describe and draw a symbol for the 4 Political theories;  p.7 Which govt do we have in the USA---give 3 examples of this kind of govt.
5.What is the function of political parties?