Thursday, January 30, 2014

Choose our Supreme Court Cases!

Rank order the Supreme Court Cases we have examined.  Rank order the top 1-3.
Make a strong argument as to why we should study your number 1 choice.
Include your opinion; do you agree or disagree with either party?  Do you agree with a Supreme or other Court decision on this issue?

1.   Grutter v. Bollinger (univ of michigan) ; and Amy Fischer vs. University of Texas ,  Affirmative Action:  Can universities use race as a factor in admissions without violating the 14th amendment of the Constitution? 
Amy Fischer; a  white girl denied admission; overlooked for her white identity  maritza, 20  jerson, brandon,20  victor 20, raul, becky
1.Top 8-10%; diversity vs. rights of the individual; is it racial preference system? Fight history of discrimination of the past. 
2.  Citizens United v. FEC   Can the government limit campaign donations?  Does a political action committee or group have the constitutional right to donate unlimited contributions to a political campaign?  Protected speech; Supreme Court voted for Citizens United JC 20.. Lucy, chayuth 20, carlos 20

4.  Shelby County v. Holder, Can a state government make changes to voting districts in the South without obstaining Federal pre-clearance?  makethe Supreme Court struck down Section 4 of the Voting Rights Act, which established a  formula for Congress to use when determining if a state or voting jurisdiction requires prior approval before changing its voting laws. Currently under Section 5 of mostly Southern—states with a history of discrimination must get clearance from Congress before changing voting rules to make sure racial minorities are not negatively affected.  Supreme court said Section 5 is not useful.  Sofia 20, kevin
5. Reynolds Tobacco v. FDA;  Can the FDA compel the Tobacco Industry to provide graphic imagery on cigarette packaging?  1..inform the public;  2. violates tobacco industry freedom of speech    Gayanne, andrew, rebecca, javier,20 jannette. 
6.Town of Greece v. Galloway;  Legislative Prayer   Is prayer at sessions of government bodies (legislative prayer) unconstitutional ?  Do these prayers endorse religion? This case will consider Establishment Clause violations for the part forty years.  VAL, Cat 20 
7 .McCullen v.  Coakley,  Massachusett.   Free Speech.  Can a Massachusetts law creating a 35 -100 feet buffer zone around abortion clinics, in which no one can approach a pregnant woman to offer her information or encouragement not to proceed with abortion , violates the First Amendment?  Aron, max 20 Carlos, alma, kevin 20, alma 20
8  Oklahoma v. Barber. Personhood Law.  Can a state decide when a fetus is a human? Does life begin at conception?  Can a state stop abortions?  A ballot measure to the state constitution was struck down by the Oklahoma Supreme Court.   It would ban access to abortions and that a fertilized human egg as a person is clearly unconstitutional.Takes away choice. Does is violate the 14th amendment JAY, Leonor, diana, 20  erik 20, 
9. NSA Phone Surveillance:   Could Be Headed For Supreme Court Can the government tap our emails and phone calls in order to protect and secure our country after 9/11?  kimberly, julian, jesus, angel, 20 peter,20  kevin

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