Friday, January 24, 2014

Letter about the 2nd Amendment; gun control

Read each point of view. Choose one you agree with.  Use the topic sentence from below, and support with ideas from your notes to Write as a letter to your representative.
Pov 1.  The government should have the power to ban handguns because the 2nd amendment does not say the purpose of guns is for self defense, its for protecting the state.  Limiting gun violence is a legitimate government purpose 
nPov 2.  The government should not be able to ban handguns but should be able to regulate handguns.  The violent crime in our cities necessitate the regulation of handguns.  Chicago is trying to regulate, not ban. 
nPov 3.  The government should not be able to prohibit handgun ownership because it is a 2nd amendment right.  This right should not be infringed upon. This right is not connected to being in a militia, but preserving our individual liberty.  If handguns are banned, then all guns may be prohibited.
nDear Representative ________,
nI believe the government should (should not)………………….   The following are my reasons for my point of view.

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